How to Optimize Your Website for SEO and Conversions - Digital Paivardha

 SEO was once only a combination of keywords put into the content and links to targeted pages. But, those days are gone and now SEO is more complex. There are certain SEO rules you need to follow so that your content works well for both search engines and your customers. Here are a few guidelines to help you with the best SEO tactics. So, follow them or hire a reliable digital marketing services in Bangalore to do the job for you just perfectly.

Look at things from customer viewpoint

You know what your business is about; you know what you have to offer to your customers. But, what you want to offer is not necessarily what your customers want. You need to put yourself in the shoes of your customers and look from their viewpoint. See things from where they see them and write things that appeal to their viewpoint. Don’t show your customers what you can do; rather show them what they can get from you.

Focus on keyword support

There was a time when SEO was all about keywords and stuffing your content with keywords. Then, it slowly changed to having limited number of keywords, but in the right places, and including them in the URL, page title, content, and meta description. Although these things are still important, but Google is smart too. It knows that you are putting the keywords in these places because you are supposed to. There isn’t anything wrong in that, but Google won’t be particularly impressed with this tactic. Google is now looking more for keyword support than keyword usage. Google now recognizes the relationship between various words and highlights all the relevant words in search results rather than only what is typed. For example, when you type in Indian food, it will highlight even those pages that use the words Indian cuisine, Indian dishes, and Indian restaurant. So now, you don’t have to focus on the use of only a specific keyword, but also effective and relevant content that covers the topic using the best supporting words.

Concentrate on elements that increase time-on-page

You need to present a page that keeps the readers engaged with your content for longer. Don’t write down large chunks of text. No matter how effective and informative, it will only seem to be boring and shoo away the readers. Instead, break your content into lists, bullet points, and paragraphs with sub-headings. Also, provide supplemental content that helps users find their way to other parts of your website with relevant and related content. 

These are just some of the most important things you should focus upon to make your SEO strategy better. However, there is a long list of things that you would need to concentrate upon to impress the search engines and readers. This is why it is advisable that you hire SEO experts or a digital marketing company in Hyderabad for the same. They will help you effectively turn your visitors into customers; and in fact, repeating customers.

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